에서 수정할려고하는데 fail이 뜹니당

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질문 게시판에서 수정할려고하는데 fail이 뜹니당

12 모야모야 7 4389
thumb hex로 바꿀려고하는데 fail이뜹니다

왜그럴까요..? 여러분들도 그런가요 ㅠㅠ
S Dhhd 2020.02.08 10:23  
4 제라프 2020.02.08 10:44  
ARMv7 형식으로 바꾸시고 해보셔요!
에러 뜨는 이유는 밑에 2개 ARM64 형식이 맞지않아 뜨는겁니다.
2 n0k0m3 2020.02.10 09:18  
The converter supports both, choosing only ARMv7 doesn't make any difference but only not showing "Conversion Failed" due to ARMv7 syntax is different.
Similarly, if you put a ARMv8 instruction there you will get an error and first 2 row will be empty.
Should not be a problem, the developer put an option there for convenience
4 제라프 2020.02.10 17:54  
Thank you for pointing out the wrong part.
12 모야모야 2020.02.10 09:53  
답변갑사합니다! 확인해볼게요 ㅎㅎ
2 n0k0m3 2020.02.10 09:15  
It SHOULD fail. The ADDS syntax given is only limited to ARMv7 (32bits) not v8 (64bits). The converter is not able to convert a 32bits into 64 since the 2 are fundamentally different. If you are just modding armebiv7, all you need is ARM HEX value, not ARM64 HEX value
12 모야모야 2020.02.10 09:57  
hi it's ok. i understanded.
Thanks for letting me know