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4 Valkyrie 2 4087 0
APKTool is a tool for reverse engineering Android APK files. It allows you to decompile, modify, and recompile APK files, giving you access to the source code and resources of the app. With APKTool, you can explore the internal structure of an APK file, extract and modify resources such as images, audio, and text, and even patch the code of the app to add or remove functionality.


It is important to note that APKTool requires Java to be installed on your computer in order to run. You can download Java from the official website at https://www.java.com/en/download

1 kai7919 2023.10.21 21:04  
안녕하세요 잘부탁드립니다
1 트리퀘트라 2023.10.22 18:02  
안녕하세요 잘부탁드립니다